Finding Flowers in the Dustbin (or, "Survive in Peace")
1996 Upper Deck Ripken Collection Cal Ripken, Jr. BAL #11Would you miss a day of work if you had this man's job? No, me neither...Time. That's the single biggest impediment to my ability to blog...
View ArticleWhen It's All Mixed Up, Better Break It Down (or, "A Glowing Review for Gavin")
The 1990s were a strange time of transition. The '80s, love 'em or hate 'em, had a distinct personality that was more than ready to be discarded for something new by the end of the decade. But a whole...
View ArticleWe Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming... bring you an update on programming from around the world of card blogging. First, I want to bring something to your attention that should be right up your proverbial alley (and I'm not talking...
View ArticleJohn Killed It! (or, "The Law of Unintended Consequences")
One thing that can bring the joy of card blogging to a grinding halt for me is a misplaced sense of obligation to stay on the paths that I've established. Take Top of the Topps, for example. I really...
View ArticleBlogging Dodger Blues (or, "Warning: There Are Better Ways to Spend Your Time")
Here's the thing: I'm boring myself. I can only imagine what that means to the handful of people who stop by to read this blog. I think they come here because, on very rare occasions, I have something...
View ArticlePlease Read This Post. Thanks.
Here's the short version:Please don't send me any cards until further notice because 1) I won't be able to send anything out myself until late in the fall at the earliest, 2) even at that point, I...
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